Foundation for Nutrition Research
The purpose of the Foundation for Nutrition Research is to benefit Finnish agriculture and related food industry by promoting research and educational activities in nutrition, food science and associated biosciences.

In 1929, Kemiantutkimus-Säätiö (Foundation for Chemistry Research) was founded on A.I. Virtanen's initiative.

The Foundation awards prizes and grants and organizes scientific seminars.

Grant call in October-December 2023

The Foundation for Nutrition awards grants for research on milk production.
The grant is intended primarily for post-doctoral education.
The grant is directed to ruminant nutrition research, especially related to research efficiency and environmental impact of milk production. The research may, for example be related to improvement of energy or nitrogen metabolism and utilization by dairy cows.
The call is open 15.10.-15.12.2023 and a total of 50 000 € is awarded. The application form and instructions can be found here..